List of presentations
Kieran Hegarty (2024, November 1). ‘Web archiving after platformization: reading archived social media along the grain’. AoIR2024: The 25th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Industry. Sheffield University, Sheffield, United Kingdom. Hegarty (2023, December 15). ‘Living in the web’s ruins: exploring affective experiences and encounters in web archives‘. Digital Intimacies 9 Conference. Life Among the Ruins. QUT, Brisbane, Australia.
Kieran Hegarty (2023, November 30). ‘Inventing the archived web: Lessons from a prehistory of Australia’s web archiving program’. Born Digital Cultural Heritage Now 2023 Conference. ACMI, Melbourne, Australia.
Kieran Hegarty (2023, September 21). ‘The changing boundaries of comprehensive collecting at the National Library of Australia in an age of digital and social media’. 13th Australian Media Traditions Conference. Beyond Boundaries. University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ), Toowoomba, Australia.
Kieran Hegarty (2023, August 1). ‘Representing Biases, Inequalities and Silences in National Web Archives: Social, Material and Technical Dimensions’. Invited author talk for Critical Archives Reading Group, Meeting 5 of 2023. Online.
Kieran Hegarty (2023, June 27). ‘Recording the digital present, shaping digital futures: how people relate to their ageing digital traces’. XX ISA World Congress of Sociology. Digital Futures between Domination and Participation: Part I. Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia.
Kieran Hegarty (2022, October 18). ‘Web archival imaginaries: situating website creators within web archive studies’. WARCNet Closing Conference. Web archive studies researching web domains and events. Department of Media and Journalism Studies, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.
Kieran Hegarty (2022, June 23). ‘Data with depth: exploring the lives of data and its subjects’. Invited keynote presentation at Austrian Data Day, organised by Data Intelligence Offensive with support from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology. Comment by Professor Peter A. Bruck (International Center For New Media, Salzburg). ARIANA Event Hall, Vienna, Austria.
Kieran Hegarty (2022, June 21). ‘What can we learn from libraries about democratic data governance?’. Invited presentation to staff of the Wienbibliothek im Rathaus (Vienna City Library) and invited guests. Comment by Emeritus Professor Hannes Werthner (Former Dean of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology) and Dr Anita Eichinger (Director, Vienna City Library). Loos Room, Vienna City Library, Austria.
Kieran Hegarty (2022, June 14–16). ‘Unlocking social media archives: creative responses to the challenge of access’. VALA: Libraries, Technology, and the Future Conference 2022. Bring IT On! Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia.
Kieran Hegarty (2022, May 17). ‘Data with depth: Towards a human-centred record of a digital society’. Invited presentation to staff of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology as part of the Ministry’s monthly ‘Innovation Talks’ seminar series. Online.
Kieran Hegarty (2021, December 7). ‘Whose web is the web of Australia’s past?: Representative collections in a data-driven world’. Presentation at ‘Diversity and Libraries: Research into Practice’ roundtable in conclusion of the ARC Linkage project Representing Multicultural Australia in National and State Libraries for staff from Australia’s national and state libraries and invited guests. Online.
Kieran Hegarty (2021, November 28). ‘Library as infrastructure: Towards a sociology of digital information infrastructures’. Presentation at the Australian Sociological Association TASA November and TASA Thematic Week 2022. Online.
Kieran Hegarty (2021, November 3). ‘Future pasts: From the future of heritage to the future as heritage’. Presentation at the Alliance for Praxis Research ‘Spring Encounters’ 2021 seminar series, run in partnership Monash University Art, Design and Architecture and Monash University Graduate Association. The future of cultural heritage: challenges and opportunities. Online.
Kieran Hegarty (2021, November 2). ‘The Politics of Preservation: Cultural Collections in Dangerous Times’. Meetup organised by Kieran Hegarty to celebrate in the week of World Digital Preservation Day 2021. Featuring presentations from Narungga woman and activist-poet Dr Natalie Harkin (Flinders University), PhD candidate Kieran Hegarty (RMIT University), and information studies scholar and archives practitioner Dr Leisa Gibbons (Curtin University). Online.
Kieran Hegarty (2021, October 22). ‘The politics of preservation: Cultural collections in dangerous times’. Presentation at the RMIT University Centre for Urban Research as part of the Centre’s monthly research seminar series. Online.
Kieran Hegarty (2021, September 16). ‘The politics of preservation: Web archiving in dangerous times’. Presentation at the Australian Society of Archivists Conference 2021. Archives Amplified: Connect, Challenge, Reimagine. Online.
Kieran Hegarty (2021, June 24). ‘Reading as a material practice’. Presentation at the Australasian Science and Technology Studies Graduate Network (AusSTS) Workshop 2021. Situated Practice. Deakin Downtown, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.